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DutyCycle 1.0

// Long Cycle PWM Power Controller
//   Will allow a user to use a pot to initialize a cycle time (1/2 to 5 seconds) 
//  then allow them to use the same pot to change the duty cycle within that cycle
//  time. This turns a circuit on and off accordingly.
//  This uses A4 as the sensor for the 10K pot input, which is used to compute a
//  percent.
//  The output is on control pin 12. Ostensibly to drive an Op Amp, which will drive an
//  SSR.
//  Duty cycles less than 50 milliseconds drops the value to zero, to keep the SSR from cycling
//  on too short a pulse width.
//    Glenn Murray - 2/1/2019



LCD4Bit_mod lcd = LCD4Bit_mod(2); 

// Constants
   // Pins
const int dutyCycleInput_SensorPin = A4;   // select the input pin for the potentiometer
const int ledPin = 13;      // select the pin for the LED
const int ssrCtrlPin = 12;  // select the pin for SSR control output signal

   // Sensor
const long sensorMin =   33; // Min sensor input * 100
const long sensorMax = 1023 - sensorMin; // Max sensor input * 100

   // Time
const long realMaxTime = 5000.0;   // true Max duty cycle
const long cycleTimeMin = 500.0; // Min duty cycle
const long cycleTimeMax = realMaxTime - cycleTimeMin ; // Max duty cycle

const char pc_sign = '%';
const boolean turnOn = true;
const boolean turnOff = false;

char on[1];
char off[1];
char onval[1];

char blanks[16] = "               ";

// Variables
char buff[16];

long cycleTime; // init to one second cycle time
long dutyCycle; // what delay for duty cycle is - as integer
long percent;   // what % delay for duty cycle is - as integer
int n;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


  int ndx = 0;
  long last_percent = 150;
  dutyCycle = 0;

  // This loop is used to determine the cycle time
  //   After 2.5 seconds with no change, it will drop out of the loop, proceeding to the main processing
  //   loop.
  while (ndx < 25) {
     strcpy(buff, blanks);   // Clear buffer
     percent = inputVal();    // Read input, set the percent use
     n = sprintf(buff, " %4ld",percent);  // Write percent to buffer
     buff[n] = pc_sign;                   // Add percent sign after percent value
     lcd.cursorTo(1,0);       // Set cursor to LCD first row
     lcd.printIn(buff);      // Write to LCD

     cycleTime = longPercent( percent, cycleTimeMax ) + cycleTimeMin; // Compute cycle time
     n = sprintf(buff, " %4ld|%4ld ms", dutyCycle, cycleTime);       // Write cycleTime to buffer, dutyCycle is zero at this point
     lcd.cursorTo(2,0);       // Set cursor to LCD second row
     lcd.printIn(buff);      // Write to LCD
     delay(100);              // Delay for 1/10th second

     // Change detection code, if change made, reset exit counter 
     if (last_percent != percent) 
        ndx = 0;
     last_percent = percent;

void loop() {
   strcpy(buff, blanks); // Clear buffer at start of loop
   percent = inputVal();  // Input percent of cycleTime to compute dutyCycle
   dutyCycle = longPercent( percent, cycleTime); // Compute dutyCycle
   if (dutyCycle < 50) {  // If less than 50 milliseconds, set to zero
      dutyCycle = 0;
      percent = 0;

   // Prepare buffers to write settings
   n = sprintf(buff, " %4ld",percent);
   buff[n] = pc_sign;

   n = sprintf(buff, " %4ld|%4ld ms", dutyCycle, cycleTime);

   // On portion of cycle
   if (dutyCycle > 0) {
       pause( percent,turnOn );

   // Off portion of cycle
   if (dutyCycle != cycleTime) {
       pause( percent, turnOff );


// Computes percent. Takes number between 0 and 100, then uses that as percentage to compute the percent of value, to return
long longPercent(long per, long val) {
     return (val * per / 100);

// Reads sensor, returns number between 0 and 100 
long inputVal() {
  long sensorValue = (analogRead(dutyCycleInput_SensorPin)- sensorMin) * 100; //* 100;
  long rv =  (sensorValue / sensorMax);
  return (rv);

// This sets the output to on or off, depending on 'lit' parameter, and pauses for the 'per' parameter (assumes milliseconds).
void pause( long per, boolean lit) {

      long val;                // Computed delay value
      uint8_t sigVal = HIGH;   // Output signal variable - defaults to on

      if (lit) {
        val = dutyCycle;
        onval[0] = on[0];
      else {
        val = cycleTime - dutyCycle; // off time dutyCycle;
        onval[0] = off[0];
        sigVal = LOW;

      // Writes a plus or minus value to LCD depending on if this period is on or off
      lcd.cursorTo(1,14);  // Set to write on first row

// Debug
//      if (delA != dutyCycle && delA != (cycleTime-dutyCycle)) {     // Debug code
//         lcd.curortTo(1,0);
//         n = sprintf(buff, "Error   ");
//         lcd.printIn(buff);
//         lcd.cursorTo(2,0);  // Set to write on second row
//         n = sprintf(buff2, "%5lu / %4lu   ", val, delA);
//         lcd.printIn(buff2);
//         delay (2000);
//      }
      digitalWrite(ssrCtrlPin, sigVal);  // Sends SSR output value
      digitalWrite(ledPin, sigVal);      // Sends LED output value  (may be eliminated if output for OpAmp can be co-opted
      delay(val);                        // Pause